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A good book publishing comapny?

i'm 14 and i'm writing a book
or i'm thinking about writing a book
not sure what i might make it about yet
but my question is what would be a good a book publishing company that i could turn to print my book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I applaud your desire to write a book. Even though you are 14 do not be discouraged. Some comments have said that you should finish your book first before looking for a publisher, I disagree. In today's environment there is ample opportunity to get published. The key is choosing the right publisher for your type of writing. It is never too late to look for a publisher, not contacting them directly but looking at your options. There are many who will take your money and never deliver what they promise. I have a free ebook on my web site as a free download. It is my publishing journey. It provides my experience in getting published and offers some guidelines in reviewing a publishers contract. It also offers some suggestions on marketing opportunities.

You must also think about the marketing aspect before and after your book is published. My site offers some links to sites offering information and marketing opportunities. It does not matter what type of book you write but it should be one that is different than others already published. This is something that you can use in your marketing activity. This will increase your chance of success.

The success of any book today rest in the hands of the author (s). Many publishing companies no matter what type have limited involvement in marketing their authors. Some offer packages that you can purchase. Other sites offer marketing for a price while others are free. Either way what you do in creating an interest in your book will determine its success.

The quality of your book is something that you should also be concerned about and not worry about your age. A book should be accepted based on the content not the age of the author.

I currently have book titled Integriy: Do You Have It? 2nd edition published by Infinity Publishing. I am happy with the service that I have received from them. I would recommend you check them out. Another source of information is a writers forum on It is free to join and you can learn much from the other writers on the forum. There is a wealth of information and experience and I have learned much from others through this forum.

Good luck with your book. I wish you success.