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Why do you suppose advanced scientific thought trails events?

Example: At roughly the same moment in history two things were happening:

1. One of the leading physicists in the world was pronouncing to a group of other leading physicists of the world that, "Heavier than air flight is impossible. It will never happen."

2. Two bicycle mechanics were launching a heavier than air contraption at Kitty Hawk"

In fact, a consortium of leading scientists at the turn of the last century announced to the world [paraphrased], "All the significant questions in the world of science have been answered. All we have left to do is clean up the details."

The song ended, but the melody lingers on.

Why do you suppose scientists are as reluctant to learn from the histories of their own disciplines as politicians, economists, militarists, and people considering getting married are to learn from theirs?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's a very good point you make. It has always seemed to me that it took one unexpected moment to get science/scientists to work again.
Truthfully, I believe that all professionals become hidebound after a while. The rogue inventor, politician, etc, who works outside of the professional community is the one who continues to seek, and find, ways to do things that are deemed "impossible". That's why think-tanks are so important, and occur so often. Think-tanks are made up of people who do not work in the profession (science, mechanics, etc) and rely on innate intuition and, truthfully, fantastic improbabilities, to achieve goals that the professionals have come to an impasse over!
As to people getting married? <shrug> who wants to live without that one major love, the "soul mate" we are told is out there, for each of us? Even having failed are gullible, and lonely, and will try again.