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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why do African nations far behind Western (European & U.S.A) in terms of dev


Why do African nations far behind Western (European & U.S.A) in terms of development?

What I mean is, whereas African nations struggle with education, economic and technological development, Western world gets ahead and more easily.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Geography has a lot to do with it. The interior of Africa was so forbidding the exchange of ideas was inhibited until communications improved sufficiently.

Then, there's the fact Africans had a lot further to advance during the intervening years than Europe and European descendants did. The body of experience of individual African aboriginals was narrower, the comprehension of the possible, more restricted.

A look at aboriginal adaptation to technological advancement, post-aboriginal innovation in that area and others, suggests it's a widespread phenomenon. Widespread, even when the geography doesn't argue so strongly against it.

Probably European-like powers have had a matrix of influences, both inadvertently positive, and deliberately negative. I'd offer the suggestion that, had there been no European-like intervention or contact, African aboriginals would still be running around in jock-straps, carrying spears and enslaving one another.

To suggest Europeans and the Western power structures are responsible for inhibiting African technological advancement is patently absurd.