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My poem, 'You' - opinions, please?

My mask of ice I let down
In front of those eyes, for you
For you I gave up my crown
My frozen heart you broke through

You brought me back to life
You had me revived
You put away from me that knife
You made sure I'll have survived

All the dangers I have long time denied
You kept close to your heart
All the tears I have cried
You made for me a fresh start

For you I came downstairs from my skies
With my past I broke all ties
All I ask from you is to throw her out of the door
If not, I'll have her lie dead forever on the seashore

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it is your begining one, then think, this is the best start.
If you don't feel bad, may I have a sugetion of some changes in it.

My mask of ice I let down
In front of those eyes, for you
I gave up my crown for you
but you broke through my frozen heart.

You brought me back to life
And rejuvenated it a fresh
You placed that slayuer knife away from me
And you made sure I'll have survived

All the dangers I have long time denied (this line is not giving proper meaning and co-relating with the below)
You kept close to your heart
All the tears I have cried
You made for me a fresh start

For you I came down from my skies
With my past I broke all ties
All I ask from you is to throw her out of the door
If not, I'll have her lie dead forever on the seashore

Note : it is upto you to accept. Thanks anyway.