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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do people stops believe in God for have being disappointed after christianity?


Do people stops believe in God for have being disappointed after christianity?

I do believe that the fact of all the corruption and inconsistencies among christianity, catholics and their institutions makes people to draw away from any religion and this are the only reference they have of religions...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I agree with you.
When you get exposed to the nastiness and corruption that organized religion often has, you begin to get shaky in your beliefs and tend to turn completely from God, I mean if such goes on in a holy place, where do you start to draw the line on lies and fact? Faith and foolishness? People start searching for more tangible proofs, either relying on and believing in nothing or putting all their hopes in Science and Reason. Sometimes that just seems to be a better option.