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What do you think of this simple haiku?

Like the willow tree
Shading our panting bodies
My root delves deeper

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Forget all the folks out there tweakin' out counting syllables. They wouldn't know a haiku if it fell from a cherry tree and brushed their cheeks like snow.

There are a few things wrong with this, although with a minor amount of refinement I think you could probably find a good niche for the equivalent of "Big Ten Inch" songs in haiku. It would just be more effective if you had a better grasp of what actually goes into a haiku so you could pull this off. Could be fun!

Try this link:

I recommend the first one by Keiko Imaoka. And for all the syllable counters, it's a MUST.

TomTom, did you read the Keiko Imaoka essay? Really? If you did AND you speak fluent Japanese, then you know why 5-7-5 is ridiculous in English. And I happen to know quite a lot of haiku writers in both English and Japanese that agree. Accept that there are major differences in the two language. And 5-7-5 isn't even practiced by some of the MAJOR haiku poets in Japanese. In fact I can think of at least one or two Masters who wrote one and two line haiku.

Read more. Learn the subject for which you argue BEFORE you argue. It will save us all a lot of time and trouble and you will stop misinforming others!

I am assuming your are not reading with comprehension, otherwise I doubt we would be having this discussion. I'm giving you a gigantic WHATEVER at this point and moving on. If someone reading this would like to check out the link I added here, then I fully welcome you to it. I would also recommend some of the haiku sites, like the Shiki Haiku Net:

Enjoy haiku everyone!