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Should i continue dancing?

I have been dancing ever since i was little but now it is getting kinda old and i dont have the same love for it as i used to. I dont think I want to be a professional dancer when i grow up but should i keep doing it? I am also afraid of losing all of the great friends i have made. I want to keep active so i dont get out of shape but i am concerned that i wont find another hobby. I am really confused and i am running out of time to make a decision so please help me!!! Should i keep dancing??????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You should relax because you are not running out of time to make a decision! If you do not want to make a profession out of dance you can either
-make your weekly practices fewer (unless you already do once a week), and go on just to meet your friends until you really know you want to stop,
-or stop now and take it up later in your life if you someday would feel the need to do so.

You can always choose!

What I would suggest is, that you stop dancing now if it feels old, and think for a while what else you could try. It is not so definite, you can always try out things and find out if it is for you. Try to keep contact with your good friends from dancing, and when you find something else you like as hobby you will make new friends, too, you will see!