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Conscience and faith?

what is LEGAL?
what is MORAL?
what is SIN?
what is RIGHT?
says who?
does anything that is viewed as legal moral wrong or right ever change?
do you agree change can be good?
do you agree that change can be bad?
so maybe if flexability and tolerence should make a come back we could find a happy medium

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Legal is "that which is within the framework of the law." It changes all the time. In the twenties, it was illegal to distribute alcohol. It's not now. Lots of drugs used to be legal, they're not now.

Moral is "that which is within the framework of religious dogma." Morals vary according to what you believe in.

Sin is "that which separates you from God." How you interpret that can vary, but I think it can be conceived of as "thoughts or actions based on alienation from the conscious entities around you."

Right is a completely subjective interpretation, based on an individual's social values and beliefs. Thus right is only necessarily right according to the individual who judges it.

Stuff viewed as legal, moral, etc. changes all the time. An easy example is slavery, which was "morally justified" by those who practiced it, and was certainly "legal" from within the American legal system.

Change can be good or bad. It depends on the situation, and the perspective of those who are affected by the change.

Flexibility and tolerance are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for any kind of cooperation in society. It shouldbe encouraged wherever possible.