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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Y the Westerns discover/invent ,those already available in India/ china/?


Y the Westerns discover/invent ,those already available in India/ china/?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Many of our views in the US are very Euro-centric and biased. There are numerous inventions from the Orient which made their way piece-meal to the West to be adopted and adapted. Block printing was known and done in Korea and India for centuries before Gutenberg. Genetics were highly refined in China long before the first experiments in the European monasteries, and this knowledge was taken up by the Muslim world. Turkey exported tulips to Holland, and refined breeding of roses using genetics. Glass and ceramics followed the same trade routes. Medicine also was brought and taught to the West by Muslim scholars such as Avicenna. Pharmacopoeia long was codified in India and China before written in Western literature.