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How did Caravaggio paint?

I mean technically, how did he apply the paint? How many layers does his painting have? Anyone knows of a site or a book where transversal cuts of his painting layers can be seen?
He uses glazes over opaque painting? And then he uses opaque highlights? How are his deep shadows done: by direct painting or glazing?

any help would be appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Easy question right? Wrong. Caravaggio left almost no trace of his brushes he did it we don't know. No mystery here, he used brushes and paint but the finer details how how he worked are shrouded since the paint dried.

There are art schools that can teach you how to do these paintings in different ways. It will take you 4 years to learn and a lifetime to perfect.

Few pointers:
These paintings are glazed. Painstakingly layer after layer. I have seen evidence that some painters did over 50 layers of glazes.
Highlights are glazed too. They are not an opaque white, one color smear. The deep shadows are glazed too. The shading is done by 'contrasting' them with a slightly less dark shade. It usually as a greenish tint to it to make the darker spot look even darker.