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Do you meditate but believe in no spiritual existence?

This question is mainly for people who have been practicing meditation for a while.

I'm not talking about religion, but some sort of spiritual plane or consciousness, beyond thought.

If you don't believe in any sort of spiritual existence, why? In clearing your thoughts, and separating yourself from ego and all that, what truth have you found that can justify your belief(s), or that has strengthened them?

(This isn't a judgment, just a question.)

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1 week ago
Also, I'm not asking you about the physical nature of the discipline. I'm aware of all of that; however, it does make one more aware and open, and receptive to certain things. Have you felt any such effects? Has it lead you to any spiritual truth, or verified for you that a clear mind brings you more in touch with an eternal nothingness? What did you FEEL?

1 week ago
Also - while it's a mental exercise, the effect or growth seems to be for some to learn to rely less on thought for perception, and more on intuition. You're clearing yourself of self, and so should be able to relate with less judgment. However, this doesn't mean your clarity has to have any spiritual meaning. You may, however, be brought to spirituality. The result depends on your experience, which is what I'm asking about: YOURS -- not my own agenda or beliefs.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Also, I'm not asking you about the physical nature of the discipline. I'm aware of all of that; however, it does make one more aware and open, and receptive to certain things. Have you felt any such effects? Has it lead you to any spiritual truth, or verified for you that a clear mind brings you more in touch with an eternal nothingness? What did you FEEL?