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Need help identifying a book...?

I once read this book about a boy who finds once of his parents is cheating. He is followed by a girl with a pink wig who reveals it to him. The only other details I remember is the girl gets rescued from a forest by a helicopter only to have the helicopter crash and burn in front of him. At the end of the book, he is so depressed he plays a computer game (similar to the Sims) all the time. Any ideas on title or author? It's driving me nuts...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Claws" by Will Weaver
"Jed's got a great girlfriend, good grades, and a star rike in the tennis team. He figures his life is pretty well perfect until he gets a note telling him to meet at a nearby cafe. He shows, and this pink-haired punk girl sits down and tells him that his father is having an affair with her mother. Angst, angst, stuff falls apart, and in the end it all comes down to a kayak, a sudden storm, and a rescue by helicopter. "