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Understanding in all relationships, regardless of their nature, there comes the moment when you understand?

that there are some things you will never understand. What will you do???????Can you stand in that moment and be all right with it?????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The first thing to understand in any relationship is that the ultimate right, the single overriding factor is the individuals' right to self. I do not own you and have no right to control you. You do not own me and have no right to control me.

If you are in a relationship with somebody the key is trust. Either you do or do not trust them. If you do not trust them, why are you in a relationship with them in the first place? If you do trust them you can give them the space to be who and what they are. You recognize their individual rights and they recognize yours. There is no problem with understanding because there is no longer a need to explain. The person is free and so are you. You are together by choice and no rule, law, piece of paper or oath can change why you are together or if you decide to be apart. You cannot hold the other, nor can they hold you.