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What should i be when I'm older?

I'm not sure what i want to be when I'm older. I'm in Gifted in Talented at my school so hopefully I'll get a scholarship for college. I'm good at drawing and that kind of stuff like painting and making things but it seems boring sometimes. I'm also good at playing instruments I play flute and when my friends or family teach me how to play an instrument (like the piano) i catch on to it quickly. i also love to dance but i dont take any dance lessons and im not good at it. i also dream of being an actor but im not even sure if im good at it. I also love to solve mysteries. what should i be when I'm older???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its great that your so talented!
If I were you, I'd try new things, but also continue on with your art. By trying new things you'll discover what you love, don't like so much, and what your true "calling" is. In High school (if your there) trying taking different kinds of classes, and also, maybe talk to your Guidence Consouler about your future...When looking into colleges (it sounds like your very interested in the arts, so prehaps a preforming arts school), look into every program and see what appeals to you.
Also, if you see adds in the paper for different kinds of one-day cheap classes that seem interesting, sign up!
Hope I helped. Follow your heart! *sounds corny but true*
Best of luck!!!