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How is Jefferson and Jackson simliar and how are they different from each other?

How did each view their role as President? What were their respective views of the "common man"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Both were seen as examples of the common man, and also example of men who were tied to the land. Both owned slaves and in real life, not just in their writings, supported slavery. Both were elected for 8 years and both supported the local people, the west, the farmers and the rural people.

Jefferson, however, was much more intellectual and believed in the power of the people. He never once vetoed a bill in Congress. He believed that the Congress was closer to the people than was the president. He also opened up land to the west and had a healthy respect for the Native Americans.

Jackson oppressed the Native Americans (The Trail of Tears) and also he believed in strengthening the presidency. he was sometimes referred to as King Andrew.