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Does absence...?

actually make the heart grow fonder or does this statement only give the person hope until they are able to deal with being left alone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Familiarity breeds contempt... absence makes the heart grow fonder. Both conditions seem tiresome in the extreme.

If you perceive there to be a lack, you will wish for satiation or fulfilment. Shift your perspective. Play around with it. Examine the feelings triggered.

"Does this statement give the person hope until they are able to deal with being left alone?"
Only if his/her focus is on craving love and recognition from another. By trying not to get stuck on one point - and by experiencing life, you can figure out what this love business is. A dependency? I wish I knew. But if it's being used to mask the fear of living life without a comfort blanket, that sounds like willful ignorance to me.