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What do you think?

It would mean a lot to me to hear some feedback on this. What does it mean to you? Are the words effective? How does it make you feel? Thank you!


Wasting time creating lies in drops of solid Earth and sky
So we can swim and sigh inside all these little things.

Ears and eyes turn back inside because they thought they heard a cry
From those who never seemed alive and surely could not sing.

Whispered noises giving choices no longer cast aside as voices
They say the life you thought was yours in many ways is not.

Another child reconciled when death certificate is filed
His body shell is buried deep as he becomes a god.


The greatest lie is you and I the individual
We share (but we are unaware) of where we hide the soul
The single mind only divides and opens at your birth
For every thing and living being is taken from the Earth

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This shows real promise. Forget the rules. I like to meander down a winding road.