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What's the best way to approach a stranger for a photo?

I consider myself an amateur photographer, but I've always had the issue of asking to take a photo of a stranger I see on the street. Next month my family and I are going to NYC for a few days and I'm sure there will be many interesting people on the streets with us. Is there some way I can ask a stranger to get a photo of them? I'm afraid they'd be weirded out by me just asking for a photo. The thing is, I'm shy. Please help, thank you! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The best way to do it is to just do it. What they'll teach you in a photo journalism class is you shouldn't be afraid to approach strangers. Depending on the situation, it may be okay to take the photo first, then notify them. This is the method preferred by journalists as it allows for a more "real" photo.

I've done this many times. Afterwards, I explain that I'm a student photographer and my situation, and a majority of the time people are okay with it.

Always ask in a nice way, and don't be afraid of rejection. Some people will say no. This is okay. A majority of the time (in my experience), people will let you take their photo.