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Is there hope for someone who has no rhythm?

My s/o is a pretty good dancer and wants to dance with me when we go out. I have NO rhythm and am extremely embarassed to try to dance in front of people. Would dance lessons help or is rhythm something you either have or don't and there isn't much you can do about it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you had no rhythm, you wouldn't be alive now. Your heart beats in a rhythm, you tap the keys on a computer keyboard in a rhythm. You walk in a rhythm, if you had no rhythm, you'd be falling all over the place.
You should take a few dance lessons if you really want to. Yes, it'll help ya out with your rhythm delimma. Dancing takes a lot of counting beats, it's not too hard because most of the time, the teacher will count for you until you can count by yourself. Go for it! Take a few lessons. People feel rhythm and they don't even realize it. you too! You just have to learn to relize what it is, and when it's there, which isn't too hard to learn and then master. Good Luck!