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Is LOVE more powerful than HATE?

I think so. Love is creation. Hate is destruction.
It's easier to destroy than it is to create.
It's takes more to forgive than it does to hate.
Love heals thyself Hate is self destructing.
To anybody that disagrees please answer this question.
If you hated someone so much you wanted to kill them would you sacrifice the life of a loved one to do so? Of course you wouldn't why because LOVE is more powerful than HATE :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I guess it depends upon what you mean by powerful. Hate is certainly more powerful in the sense that it can easily affect more people than love. For example, hate might cause someone to blow up a bomb in a crowded subway and that could wreck dozens of lives in an instant. I can't think of a way that love can help dozens of lives in an instant, unless it would be to fall on a bomb and save everyone.

So if power is rated by how it influences people, maybe hate is stronger.