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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> This is for never free. she ripped my heart out and showed it to me before i di


This is for never free. she ripped my heart out and showed it to me before i died,?


You wanted it all, here it is,
My life the waste, all yours.
Not deep enough, a kiss,
I only wanted out of sewers.

You wanted everything, greed,
Nothing for me, all gone.
I swallowed the seed
Now all my deeds are done.

Come on now, only thirteen.
Shouldn't play with brains.
Could have drank Mr Clean,
Went with pills, less pain.

You pushed and pushed,
Now you have all I got.
If only I had just shushed,
Now i'd still have a shot.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Steve this very sad and i hate that you feel so much pain & sorrow,Your poems have so much meaning' as i see a lot of my sorrows' and pain thru your words also,,Great poem though,..