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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How to retain interest in dancing which satisfies me ,but does not generate any


How to retain interest in dancing which satisfies me ,but does not generate any revenue?

i am a graduate with a flair in robot/popping dances.
i have won series of intercollegiate solo dance competitions (10 of them) .i can perform but cannot teach masses.i want to have only one student whom i can impart my thoughts/dreams on complex robot dances.this will never earn me revenue the way other dance institutes do but they do not provide quality stuff and also charge a lot.
Please advise.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Learning how to teach a group class is not that hard. Attend a decent revenue-generating group class, preferrably on the material that you already know and pay attention to HOW it is taugh. The best way to find private students is by teaching group classes. One or two people from your class will be interested in private lessons.

Alternatively, just accept it that you are not making any money by dancing. Not every hobby is supposed to bring you money.