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Trip to canada?

i need to know if we need a passport or just a phtoto id or what
im 19 my friend is also either 18 or 19
the WeB_TeCh
feel free to contact me at:
aim: webtechnick
yahoo: urhessnme

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You need a passport or proof that you applied for a passport.

==== DETAIL ====

Recently (like last week) there were whole bunch of news report about this. The government dept that handles passport is swamped. So relaxed the rule just for this summer. You either need a passport or proof that you applied for the passport.

Also, this information is about getting BACK into USA. I don't know about getting into Canada (but I don't think they made it any harder because they want the US tourist dollars.)

Good luck.

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