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Digital painting?

I want to start digitally painting. I have no clue what to use or how it works. Can anyone help me? I have heard of photoshop and stuff before but don't know what it is.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Photoshop is an awesome program for digital painting, but you need skills, and obviously know how to draw.
What you need to start:
Photoshop or Corel Painter (basically the same)
A Tablet pen (makes your life easier cuz is like traditional painting, but your mouse will do it, just open the bottom thing takt the ball out and clean it, ull notice dust that will interfere with the friction)
And last but not least I recommend you to check out this:

There you'll find tutorials from digital painting artists, but dont try anything really hard.
Have fun =)
Thats my gallery, I use photoshop