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Cleaning an acoustic guitar?

im gonna show my acoustic guitar to some buyers i want to make it look nice any tips, i've got wood floor cleaner, god idea, bead idea?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Buy a guitar polish kit--don't rely on household polishes or wooden floor paste wax. Not good, amigo.

2. Remove strings.

3. If the fretboard is rosewood, cover the soundhole with a cloth, take a pad of OOO fine steelwool, and tilt the headstock downward.

a. Using the steelwool, rub lightly down and up the fretboard several times. That polishes the fret bars and removes loose crud from the board. Wipe off the residue with a clean, soft cloth, and using a fingernail, remove crud near the fretbars.

b. Remove cloth from soundhole. Rub a quality fingerboard oil into the fretboard, let it set and then wipe off.

c. Polish the top of the guitar and the bridge. Restring with Elixer Medium gauge strings and polish the remainder of the guitar.

4. If the fretboard is ebony, clean with warm, soapy water; rinsing with a damp cloth. Polish with a good guitar enhancer such as what Martin or Fender manufactures. Follow item 3c above.

5. If the fretboard is maple consult the manufacturer's guidelines on cleaning. Follow item 3c above.

6. Tune the instrument and play it. You might change your mind about selling.