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Crime and punishment & the three muskateers.?

so, it's been a month into my summer vacation and i was just recently told that i have to read those 2 books over the summer. GOD! i've never had honors class but i will next year so i have to read those books. are they really hard?? i was told that i might have to get spark notebooks [whatever they are called] in order for me to understand it. what's your opinion on those books when i'm in 9th grade going to 10th grade. thanks<3

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The plots themselves are pretty straightforward. If you have good translations, the language shouldn't be that difficult. What can make them a little harder to get is that the historical setting is important to both of them. In other words, it helps a lot to understand the time and place where they were set.

Now I'm not saying you need to be a history major to get them. Rather, approach the characters and the stories with an open mind. Try not to think how you would act in the same circumstances; instead, try to understand why the characters do the things they do.

Most importantly, I'm guessing you're not the only one who has to read these. You may want to get together with a couple of your friends and make a reading schedule (you know, like have the first 5 chapters done by July 4th) so you can discuss the books at regular intervals, like once or twice a week. This will really help all of you understand the books better.