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Aladdin costume...?

Our local theatre is performing Aladdin and this year I have volunteered to help out with costumes. We have just about every costume except for Aladdin's before he becomes Prince Ali. We aren't really quite sure how to even make the costume and have looked at all sorts of places to buy them, none have been helpful. Links and pictures would be great. The basic outline is a blue/purple vest and white pants with red trim near the stomach. If at all anyone could even find or give instructions on how to make the costume that would be great too. It doesn't have to even be the actual Aladdin costume, even a male arabian dancer costume would be fine. Thanks!

**Please not to pricey, we are trying not to go over $50.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The "poor Alladin" costume is quite easy to make. You need an Indian Kurta, Pajama (Indian, not the kind you sleep in), a sash and a turban.

Any Indian clothing store should have the Kurta-Pajama set. Buy a size larger than the actor's regular size. Bunch and tie the cuffs of the sleeves and trouser legs to give the balloon look.

The sash can be any broad piece of cloth in a contrasting colour. Sew hooks and eyes on opposite ends to anchor it on the actor.

The turban may be a bit of a problem. Here's a site that has videos of different ways to tie a turban (they're Sikh turbans but on stage it won't make much of a difference):

Here's a pic of an Alladin costume to give you an idea of what to aim for: