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Is it stupid to practice dancing your room?

I've always wanted to start dancing because I would LOVE to, but I grew up with parents who aren't really into singing and dancing and didn't let me when I was little :<

I'm currently sixteen years old and I heard some people just practice dancing in their room from watching a music video or something? Is it stupid to practice dancing in your room by copying or following something? I tried once but somehow I just feel really stupid and can't go on x.x;;

I'm no no position to go enroll into a dance studio or dance class--my parents would never approve anyways :<

Thank you! No mean comments please ._.;;

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's totally fine to practice in your room! It does depend some on what kind of dancing you're trying to pick up (independent such as hip hop, or partner such as ballroom).

For independent dances it's really easy to pick up moves from videos because you can pause, play at half speed, etc. Whatever you need to do to see exactly what they are doing. I do it all the time. Most of the cool moves they do in music videos are very simple once you break them down. And check yourself in the mirror, a lot of the time all you have to do to look sharp is exaggerate your leg movements, which can take time to get used to. There's no need to feel stupid because nobody is watching you.

If you want to learn any kind of partner dance, recruit a friend to learn with you. Partner dancing is not hard, but it's impossible to learn spins and dips by yourself. ;-)