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What classes are ideal for the amatuer fantasy/horror authors?

I'm in college right now and I'm really getting into the written life. I've wanted to write alot of horror books in the fantasy kind of world but would occasionally include some non-fiction horror books. But for the fantasy/horror, what kind of education or classes are really great for me? I'm going for English major, is that wise? Some say I should go for art. I don't see why. there's one class called Major English Writers. I might look at that one. As far as a transfer, what university really has alot of classes for writers? Something that can really focus me into the world of writing. It makes it easier on the editors so they don't have to correct my potential manuscripts.
Oh, I would also like to ask. What books should I read to really see how fantasy/horror books are? I heard HP lovecraft is a good one but i haven't read anything from the author.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One thing I would recommend is to take some history classes, especially classes that focus on how people lived in societies similar to the sort of thing you want to write about. This might involve a few classes in related disciplines like Anthropology or Archeology. That will help give your books better grounding.

To find out about fantasy/horror type books, you should read them. I wouldn't much recommend Lovecraft. I'm not a fan, and find his stories and especially his style repetitious. But it may work for you, and you should probably read a few of his stories just to get a feel for them.

You should read classics like Poe, Tolkien, and Mary Shelley of course, but also read more contemporary authors, to get an idea of how current fantasy is written and what sort of thing publishers look for. I read very little horror, but some current fantasy writers I like include C. S. Friedman, John Crowley, Klasky, Hughart, jacqueline Carey, and Robin Hobbs.