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Does anyone know anything about the guitar?

I have a tone generator on my computer. It can play pretty much any note. I just have to specify the frequency (in Hz) of the note being played. It's accurate to two decimal places.

I was wondering if anyone here knew the specific frequency of each open guitar string in Standard tuning. I tried searching Google, and got nothing but stuff on physics, a few guitar sites, and blogs (where most people were wrong).

I'm looking for the specific Hz of an open E-string (low), open A string, D, G, B, E, etc...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: E (a minor thirteenth below middle C—82.40 Hz)
A (a minor tenth below middle C—110.00 Hz)
d (a minor seventh below middle C—146.83 Hz)
g (a perfect fourth below middle C—195.99 Hz)
b (a minor second below middle C—246.92 Hz)
e' (a major third above middle C—329.6 2Hz)