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Writer's block people, Help me.?

I have an idea for a story. I just can't figure out how to start it. I can assume it's the hardest part of writing a story of any kind is starting it. Well I want it to be a sort of ancient war of "others". Not humans. I tried starting it in the past when there was a war in the ancient times or a sort. A war that is unforgetable or something. Then I start the actual story of what is going to happen instead of what happened. Now what kind of elements should I look for for this sort of Fantasy/Horror kind of story? What approaches would you have in mind for this genre?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: try drawing a map of your land, the countries the cities, then describing the different "peoples"... and think... what's the reason for the war... what's makin them fight... who's gaining? who's losing because of the war... what's behind the scene?

oh, and try orson scot card's books on how to write