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What were the factors that led to napoleans defeat in russia?

and how did the congress of vienna assure peace in europe for the next 38 years

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The fact that his army was overstretched trying to maintain an empire that covered all of mianland Europe.

When Napolean began marching into Russia, he never met the Russian army head on. Each time the Russians retreated, burning the surrounding land so that not only were Napolean's troops exhausted, but they had no provisions.

On top of this, his advance into Russia did occur during the winter, which is pretty harsh in that area. By the end of the winter, a great number of his troops had died, but they had made little tangible progress, so he turned back to France.

later, the Congress of Vienna returned all former European monarchs to their rightful positions, and the countries banded together to keep the kings and queens in power and to put down rebellions (like the independence flare-ups in 1848). Remember that most monarchs back then were related in some way, so they stuck together to stay in power. Also, they sent Napolean to Elba, in the middle of the Atlantic.