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Can ya'll give me your opinion of this?

It is a poem I wrote when I was 10.

Little butterflies,
Flitting in the skies,
I've a question how
That I would ask you now.
How does your beauty stay
From day to passing day;
And never will it dim,
Though death be so grim.

Little butterflies,
Floating in the skies,
I would ask you now
A question about ow
Your beay and your charm
Keeps you safe from all harm;
And never will they fail
Through calm or furious gale.

Little Butterflies,
Soaring in the skies,
I've a question how
That I would ask you now.
How does your beauty, charm, and delicacy
Leave a wistful legacy?
And never will it end,
E'en when rainbows will not end.

Sooooo, what is your opinion? Good or Bad. :}

Additional Details

6 days ago
I have not edited this or had any help. It was actually a few years before I even showed it to anybody. I am not insulted that you looked to see if it was copied from somewhere; to be honest, that is rather flattering. LOL
As for new work, we'll see. :)

Thnx for all the answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
I have not edited this or had any help. It was actually a few years before I even showed it to anybody. I am not insulted that you looked to see if it was copied from somewhere; to be honest, that is rather flattering. LOL
As for new work, we'll see. :)

Thnx for all the answers.