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Can you lose fat/tone by dancing?

i weigh about 135-140 pounds.. im 5'6-5'7....

about 70% of my fat if in lower section (inner/outerhighs) calfs, hips)

is it possible to lose fat and or tone lower section by dancing 30 minutes- 1 hour each day songs like walk it out, yeah. pop lock and drop it. etc..
fast paced hip-hop songs ingenral because thats the only style i can keep rythym

if so..
about how muhc weight would i be able to lose around mid august/ september?

p.s- consuming 1500 calories on average each day?

im also vegetarian. no red meat or white meat or fish or seafood...

just rice. patsa. cereals. beans.. etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Absolutely, but you also need to watch what you eat too or the dancing will do nothing, even if you dance nonstop for a hundred years. Diet is highly important in weight loss and too much rice or beans can keep the fat in storage., and especially watch the pasta.