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Is satisfaction an equilibrium or an excess?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Kinic is right. Like I responded in your last question on suffering. Meaning, purpose, goals, and their subsequent fulfillment are all man-made.

But the 'excess' you speak of also exists as well. It's one thing to create and manufacture your own ends and the means to which you use to achieve them. But it is completely another to find or discover them in otherwise meaningless things, such as religion or drugs. People often turn to these things out of fear or denial of their own freedom and the responsibility that comes with it. Jean Paul Sartre called this 'bad faith'.

So, to answer your question, satisfaction is an equilibrium insofar that you consciously dictate its very existence. It becomes an excess when you 'off load' responsibility for its sake; when your satisfaction can only come about through upholding the means to achieving it (a la, drugs or religion) as being absolute and more important than yourself.