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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> This is for all you Dada and Surrealism film buffs.?


This is for all you Dada and Surrealism film buffs.?

I am trying to find the title of the Dada film where an eyeball gets cut with a blade. It is bugging the heck out of me. Anyone know? It has a French title and took place in the 20s. I think Man Ray may have produced it, but I am having such a difficult time googling it. Anyone out there know????

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1 week ago
Yes, you are right litlbigdog. It was a Dali film. Maybe that is why I could not find it? Sorry it was my mistake. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Yes, you are right litlbigdog. It was a Dali film. Maybe that is why I could not find it? Sorry it was my mistake. Thank you.