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Pirates! Will there be...?

Will there be a Pirates of the Caribbean IV? I am biting my nails waiting for it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jerry Bruckheimer is up for another movie, and so is Johnny Depp. Bill Neighy wants to come back, but seeing as how his character ended up in the last movie (but this is Pirates, and no-one really stays dead for long) it might not happen. Orlando Bloom and Kira Knightly are burned out on the whole Pirates movie, and I think they want to move away from those roles, so they may bow out. If there is a new movie, it'll have to introduce some new characters as well as a damn good plot. I don't know if the writers need the money bad enough to come back, but more writers could be found to mimic their style. All and all, if the money talks, then there will be one. Hollywood isn't being very creative now, it's all about the cash-cow movies.