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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How can I make a collage in photoshop?


How can I make a collage in photoshop?

I have photoshop 7.0.
I would aprreciate it =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Load all your photos in photoshop

2. Open one new blank window that will be the size of your collage

3. Use the Marquee Tool (dotted line box in the top left corner) on one of your photos, and then copy what's in the box. (Ctrl + C)

4. Go to your blank window, open and select a new layer, and paste. (Ctrl + V)

5. Continue at step 3 for each picture. Make sure you create a new layer for each picture in the collage window.

6. Click on each layer and use the Move Tool (The arrow with a plus sign in the top right corner) to move each picture to where you want it to go.

7. Save your collage as a pdf so you can add more pictures later if you want to, then save it as a gif or jpeg.