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Want to do something special for Book 7 release?

I'm planning on going to the release party for Deathly Hallows at my local Barnes and Noble and I want to do something special to show people I know HP! Well, I really wanted to do something like make a shirt, saying DA, or something like that. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Remus!

You could always TRY and dress like Remus...wear shabby old cloaks and stuff. Also you could make it look like you have that scratch across your face like he has in the movies!
If you don't want to do that, you could make a I support Werewolf shirt or something of that sort, and put Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow or something!

Do you have a Gryffindor shirt, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff? If you do you could always wear.

Haha, I know many people will do this but you could always dress as Harry or something! ;)

If you want you can always get a plain tshirt and write your favorite Harry Potter quote on the front and then on the back or something you could write who said it and what book its from!

Or you could make a shirt with something like
"Dumbledore's man through anf through"
"I'm a DA member"
"I support S.P.E.W!"
"Save the house elves!" or something creative! ;)

I hope I helped!
Best of Luck, Remus!

BTW Cannot wait for the 21st! :)