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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Anyone else have idea..? Luna Lovegood?


Anyone else have idea..? Luna Lovegood?

On the opening of OotP we were planning on dressing up sorta...
Well I was going to try Tonks but I have blonde hair and not Pink and I have no idea on what she wears really...

So I was thinking Luna Lovegood...
I have medium blonde hair...I know she has LONG hair but maybe I could still pull it off..I'm already kinda odd and out of it...clumsy too. So I think I could do it well..

What should I wear?
A slight problem my ears arent pierced anymore! I cant where wacky earrings and I dont plan to buy anything...

What kind of outfit would you recommend that I can put together at home?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You know, with Tonks, you don't have to have pink hair. You just need to have a party supply store nearby. They sell the colored hairspray and stuff like you can get around Halloween, and hot pink is part of it. And she would wear probably kind of funky street clothes.

Anyway, Luna, knee-length or so grey or black skirt, funky socks (stripes or pictures or something), white blouse, a black sweater or button-up top that can double as a school uniform blazer, you can buy Ravenclaw patches and pins just about anywhere right now, because of the marketing for the movie/book. Gather some bottle caps (the metal ones would probably work best) and superglue a thin ribbon or string to them, or drill holes in them and thread them, to make a necklace.

I wouldnt' worry about if your hair is "medium" or "long", but not having the radish earrings is going to hurt the costume.