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Musicians, answer this?

Hi, I play guitar religiously and would like to start to learn to sight read. I know the notes on the staff/ledger lines, vales, rest, ect, but still I'm just starting. The thing is, I'm almost 30. Do you think this is a waste of time? I am already a proficent guitarist, but I am not really confident with counting rhythms for example. I think at least learning to read rhythms would improve my overall playing. I have plenty of free time (no family). Do you think someone this old could benifit by learning to sight read?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that you should study music notation and sight reading- because of course you can play your own music on gigs and learn things by ear- but it will make you a more versatile musician. You could be more desirable for gigs, and it will just stretch you. I always think it's a good reason to continue study into something you already have an interest in. I have professional musician friends who still manage to work although they cannot read notation- but they usually have to pay someone to help them learn music for gigs.Especially for things like studio gigs, and things like holiday gigs (I know you're a guitarist- but who knows what kind of musical opportunities will present themselves- weddings, dinner clubs..a band who has a back catalog... who knows...)
Doesn't matter your age- just remember we only have one life, and if you have an interest- you should follow it!