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Talent show help...Defying Gravity...Wicked?

I??m in a teen talent show at this local dinner theatre, and I??m singing ??Defying Gravity?? from ??Wicked.?? I was planning on just standing there and singing with regular clothes and everything, but the director wants us to jazz it up to the fullest. Should I paint my face and wear the whole witch getup??or do you think the audience won't get it? Also what can I do to make the last verse... ??so if you care to find me???? outstanding? Anything to imitate flying? I wanna be the best musical theater act??or the best period?? Any suggestions would be beneficial and appreciated!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just think about if you watch talent competitions on tv- you want to have something special, something that grabs people. SO... paint yourself green! Wicked is a great show and people really really respond to it. Obviously, it'll be hard to do it as a solo (since there will be no Glinda to play off)- but just make the audience be your Glinda. Talk to them. And you won't have a broom for a prop- you can do "soaring" arms- just be in the moment- people in audiences and judges on panels only want for you to succeed. (no one is sitting out there is hoping you fail- everyone is on your side!) You of course don't have to go buy a witch costume... but how about all black? (It'll contrast well with the green!) Be Elphie!