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My friends kind of scr*wed me over?

I am looking and trying to write a poem that best describes how I feel about what they have done that is bad. Does anyone have any good sites I could visit for help? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I agree with what most have told you: write it down. I disagree about you trying to make it work in a poem and be effective. That will come probably much later. First you should just write it down in a letter. For this situation a letter will be the most effective tool, it is after all, what it was designed to do. I do think you will revisit the letter and create a poem or ten from it, but letters are thoughtful, emotive, immediate and appropriate to the situation. Letters will allow you to say everything you want to express without having to worry about form and rhythm, and without rhyme (which I think actually might be harmful to your message in this case).