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Whats the deal with the mayan calendar ending in 2012?

Why did the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st, 2012 A.D., as the end of their Long Count calendar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: According to a program on the History Channel, that date corresponds with an extremely rare cosmic event. Our Sun will be aligned with the center of the galaxy. The ancient Mayans used real scientific astronomy to determine dates and events, even if the interpretations weren't scientific.

It is also true that the Mayan calendar is cyclical in nature, and this will be the end of a cycle. It is also true that, in the past, the ends of cycles in the Mayan calendar correspond with major events.The Mayan tracking of the heavens is as accurate, if not MORE accurate than our own. Anyone who says otherwise has their facts mixed up.