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Luna Lovegood?

On the opening of OotP we were planning on dressing up sorta...
Well I was going to try Tonks but I have blonde hair and not Pink and I have no idea on what she wears really...

So I was thinking Luna Lovegood...
I have medium blonde hair...I know she has LONG hair but maybe I could still pull it off..I'm already kinda odd and out of it...clumsy too. So I think I could do it well..

What should I wear?
A slight problem my ears arent pierced anymore! I cant where wacky earrings and I dont plan to buy anything...

What kind of outfit would you recommend that I can put together at home?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, the earrings aren't really a problem. Go to a secondhand shop and find a pair of insane clip-ons. Better yet, buy some radishes and dig a pair of clip-ons out of a dress-up box or some relative's jewelry box, then remove the tacky button or whatever's on it, and string fish line along the fold out and poke it through the radish with a needle. For a butterbeer cork necklace, you can get a bag of corks at a craft store and use fishing line and a needle to thread them.

You want your hair to be kind of tangled, suggestion is to braid it wet, let it dry, and then just mess it up a bit. DON'T COMB IT afterward, or you'll end up looking like a blonde Hermione.

A long skirt or a pair of gray or black pants should work. You're going to want a shirt with a wacky pattern, and maybe a vest too. Pink fleece over green-and-brown paisley, that kind of thing. Funky patterned tights (if you're wearing a skirt) and Mary-Janes or clogs should work.

You could take an old magazine and print out a cover from your computer to say "THE QUIBBLER", or draw one, then glue or tape it onto the magazine. Carry it with you and start reading it upside down.

Just go for what you think looks slightly dotty. And don't forget the wand behind your ear.

Edit: Oh, I just thought of something. You could get an old baseball cap, cut the brim off, and tie/tape/glue an old stuffed lion to it. You might even be able to find one of those with the battery-powered "voice box" so it roars.