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Why do dogma-based religions favor control over letting go, tend to seperate rather than unify, monopolize ?

Spiritual expierience? And distrust unique paths that differ from their teachings? Why are women seen as inferior in these types of systems?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have it reversed. It isn't that dogma-based religions develop these attributes.

Remember that religion develops from a society, based on how a group of people need to survive, they begin to develop a religion. Today, we have laws. Back then, laws were merely religious teachings.

Dogma-based religions develop from cultures that require stricter laws, this is why dogma is so important, what is expressed explicitly as faith cannot be argued against.

So to answer your question directly, dogma-based religions favor control because its pure function in a society, is to control.

These religions seperate because religious digression is usually intolerable. They cannot "monopolize" because that would involve compromise and a change to what they believe. This is impossible for strict religions.