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Are you looking at the shadows on the wall?

what's going on behind the shadows?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are the events or the occasional stations in our lives shadows, or real? I see them as shadows, and think am wise enough not to peep behind the shadowy reflection. It would be like if I tried to scratch the wall with a knife in the hope that I could see what's behind a reflection that was projected on the wall!

Yes, I am looking at the shadows on the wall ... and enjoying them as they are, knowing they are shadows and therefore are end results by themselves. They need not be dissected, otherwise they will vanish. If they vanish, I will no more be able to enjoy the landscape that portrays the events and the unplanned stations we stop at for a while to refuel, or to bury a dead memory that has been burdening us.

What is behind the shadows is the end of the mental cycle; the same point the eluded mind has mistaken for a starting point at the circle. Behind the shadows, is the end of the trip where there are no more stations to refuel or bury your unneeded belongings that you have been treasuring as valuables.

You are the projector ... so don't heed the shadows, just continue to emit the rays of consciousness and scatter them around or focus them on the wall or even enjoy cutting them off from time to time.

Nice question ... I loved it!