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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Please define what the word "I" means to you.?


Please define what the word "I" means to you.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There can be many examples in the world providing us an insight into this very essential human attribute; and to know it could be one human purpose, until better things come into view through this preliminary knowledge.

The most common of all examples are often the ones we overlook and pass in mindlessness. For instance, I always wonder how subtle is the work of a cameraman that captures the scenes for movies, documentaries and programmes of general nature we watch on television screens everyday. We hardly notice, and even when we do we soon forget, that there is a camera present in between us and the scene that we so closely ourselves related with in the course of an action in view. The fact is that it is the camera that does all this for us with its slight and steady movements, with its appropriate takes and retakes, its exposures and its convenient zooming in and out of things in focus. There is a whole lot of technically mastered skills and techniques that we simply never realise that are being utilised.

The personal denotation that stands for a human self called ??I?? is like a camera too, an expression to our soul that we hardly see as other people do. Just like our physical eye sees it all, making us see too, but is never seen it is ??I?? present. But when a cameral is in the hands of an inexpert we soon realise that it is there, obstructing, spoiling our harmony with the spectacle it is trying to show. This is just like an egotistical self that we sometimes take for an ??I?? as its entirety.

Another example of a self represented by the first person pronoun ??I?? is that of a mirror, or that of the surface of a lake. The surface of lake can be calm, serene and peaceful adding to the beauty of the scenery around, and reflecting clouds upon blue heavens above, or it can be turbulent and confused, showing nothing but itself in turmoil.