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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Dear philosophist, how you consider the definiton of word Normal LIFE???


Dear philosophist, how you consider the definiton of word Normal LIFE???

do we all have a normal life??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Normal life is what is 'acceptable' in opinions, thoughts, words, choices, actions, habits, beliefs, likes and wants. Being acceptable or normal is not always being right or brave. It is just being a person to not disturb the status quo for that time or era along your ancestry and heritage. It maintains stability and sanity as long as you are accepted yet it does not mean you are rational, moral or good. It just means you belong. And no, we do not all have a normal life, as some are not accepted, some do not belong and some are not supported, encouraged or even talked about. These people are not normal because they are either down and outs or Holy men that take time to assess the life outside of the normal 'box'. They are not respected or helped and maybe shunned. They do not live a normal life bacause they cannot perceive life as normal, and they cannot perceive other normal lives as being righteous, decent or moral. Others may not perceive their lives as normal yet they might. Normality is a perception but a perception of belonging, acceptance and being liked.