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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What do we know about the historical basis for the battle of Troy?


What do we know about the historical basis for the battle of Troy?

Please tell me it's true! I'm reading Chapman's Homer and it's pretty sweet.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah, like previously stated, Troy was discovered, about the sixth level down in an ancient city being excavated. I think all the incarnations of the city (the various levels) were Troy, but it was the sixth one that showed signs of a city wide fire, like the one described in the illiad. Given that the city is located where Troy is supposed to be and the evidence of the devistating fire, I think they concluded that it could be Troy.

It's definately worth a look up on the programs and books that talk about excavating Troy and how they connect it to Homer's Troy. Especially if you love the story so much. It'll just make it seem that much more awesome.